Exclusive Opportunity to Learn About and Reinvent a Successful Trade Show Sales Lead Response and Management Service Business.

First, please allow me to share my successful journey in the Trade Show industry that forms the foundation for this unparalleled opportunity.

In the 1970s and early 80’s I acquired invaluable experience as an exhibitor at IMTS for 12 years, learning firsthand that trade show leads rarely receive the follow-up attention they deserve. In fact, the statistic that is bantered around the industry to this day is that while sales lead generation remains the number one objective of exhibitors, “Less than 20% of sales leads ever get followed up after trade shows.” While seldom admitted by exhibitors, and as paradoxical as it sounds, that statistic has been proven to be true. I capitalized on it. How? Keep reading…

In the early-1980’s I was also the chairman of the Marketing Committee of the National Machine Tool Builders Association (NMTBA, now AMT) where I learned from my committee members that they too had the post show lead follow-up problem – around which I created what proved to be a very lucrative solution.

In the mid-1980s, I resigned from the company I was working for and founded Leads to Sales, Inc., as a trailblazing company specializing in unprecedented sales lead response, qualification, fulfillment, and management company that disrupted the industry as an ‘outsource service’ that processed sales leads ‘for’ exhibiting companies.

Shortly after I began, Greyhound Exhibitgroup recognized the transformative impact of my company and acquired it, leading to significant advancements in lead follow-up and ROI realization for their clients. During their tumultuous period of management disagreement and reorganization, I reclaimed my company and for 22-1/2 years, thereafter, achieved over $10 million in sales, solidifying my expertise and success in the realm of exhibitor services.

Throughout my career journey, I became a revered speaker and presenter at the EXHIBITOR Show in Las Vegas for 18 years, earning the highest reviews for my post show sales lead response, qualification, and management insights and strategies.

In 2009, I sold my services company to its biggest customer and shifted focus to nurture my passion to teach in the form of exhibitor training. Since that time, I have successfully delivered more than 350 instructional seminars, webinars, and workshops to international audiences.

Now, at 79 years young, I find myself as passionate as ever about the industry, and the timing couldn’t be more opportune to share my wealth of knowledge and help an entrepreneurial someone ‘reinvent’ my original company and again capitalize on the opportunistic post show trade show sales lead management landscape.


Here’s the Crux of this Business Reinvention Opportunity:

  1. Industry Insight: With five decades of trade show industry experience, there’s no one on the planet who understands exhibitor problems and needs better than I do. I was one.
  2. Current Challenges: The aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic has led to employee downsizing in exhibiting companies — replacement exhibit managers face the daunting task of trade show responsibility with minimal experience or training — all of which is resulting in an even worse lead management problems and questionable ROI.
  3. Unique Solution: Someone can ‘reinvent’ my proven (outsource) service company to provide sales lead response management services that assure 100% lead follow-up, and a positive ROI for exhibiting companies that have fewer people and a budget to outsource.
  4. Teaching Opportunity: I am not looking to start another company by myself. Instead, I am offering to teach someone how to establish their own outsource service company based on my unparalleled expertise and proven success. Alternatively, the service can be seamlessly incorporated into an existing Exhibit Builder, I&D, Registration company, or the like, generating an additional client service revenue stream. I could also teach a progressive software company the necessary details for a program that does it all.
  5. Unmatched Approach: Although many claim to be…No one else in the industry” is handling post show sales lead response management and follow-up the way I did it or teach. My unique approach is immediately recognized and understood to be ‘the problem solver’ by exhibitors – so it sets the stage perfectly for this transformative venture.

Ambitious Individuals … Does the prospect of ‘revolutionizing’ the post trade show lead management landscape intrigue you? I believe this opportunity has the potential to generate considerable profits, redefine the meaning of success in the trade show industry, and create a legacy of innovation in today’s trade show world like it did in mine.

Existing Suppliers … Learning from my experience, then demonstrating your knowledge of the lead follow-up problem and offering the industry a proven solution, can be your entre’ into exhibiting companies for the sale of your ‘other’ products and services and thereby strengthen your client relationships. You can change what appears to be “pedaling” to “consultative selling.”

Feel free to reach out to me if you would like to discuss this opportunity.

Always looking back … to the future,
Richard Erschik – Trade Show and Exhibitor Advocate

Phone/Text 630-642-6500